Friday, April 3, 2009

Generative Topic Idea

This is my project. The concept behind the piece was to explore the dualities of self within two separate but connected worlds. I wanted to explore the existence of self in both my "jelly-ware" world, which I have dubbed the "real world" and my self in my virtual world, via facebook. I wanted to explore and attempt to disprove that "anything can happen" in virtual worlds. If you consider our real world as the gateway to the virtual world, then you have to accept that anything that happens in a virtual world is only possible through your existence in the real world.

I was inspired by the lives of people who spend more time as their virtual selves and seem only to exist in the real world in order to get to their virtual existence. I do not feel like this applies to me, but I do use facebook as a major means of communication, and I wanted to question my life in these terms.

My generative topic idea would be to assign students to work in a medium of their choice to explore the dualities of their selves. The two worlds do not have to be real vs. virtual as my exploration was, but everyone has situations in which they behave or think differently. It could be an exploration of comparing behavior while around family vs. friends, school vs. home, academics vs. sports, etc. I would say that this project would be ideal for high school students because it is an exploration of identity which takes in to considerations the complex lives of students. It is a conceptually based project that allows an exploration in craft that is unique to their strengths and is unique to the way they might define themselves. It is a less literal version of a self portrait.

In my previous post I talked about using meditation as an immersive environment. I think that the use of meditation in addition to my new concept would make a very good pair. Students could use meditation to explore their ideas about their existence.


  1. I agree, this would be perfect for highschool students especially
    Having them to not only think about, but also describe their dual behaviors
    Maybe what they are doing vs. what they should be doing = having fun/playing around vs. studying and raising your grades to get into college

    this itself could be considered to be a means of meditation, as they let go of things that they may be already thinking about, and have bottled up inside, and relax as they express/portray it through their art.

  2. i agree with what dana said. it would be interesting to compare and comment on what their doing and what they should be doing, and then why arent they doing what they should be doing?

  3. Having high-school students work with this idea would be great. In my health class in high-school we did something somewhat similar. We were given a plastic mask and we were to design it however we want, paint or collage or whatever, and the outside of the mask was representational of what we think people perceive of us, and the inside of the mask conveyed what we though of ourselves, away from the outside world.
    You put it very well by describing it as exploring 'the dualities of ourselves.' Its an interesting idea, waiting to be explored by all walks of life. When do you actually know who you are. You are constantly exploring. It would also be interesting to assign this to students at the begging of the year and then again at the end of the year to see how their thoughts have altered.

  4. This is definitely a very relatable concept in relation to the high school student. Continuously developing and discovering themselves as people throughout high school, this presents itself as a delicate time for teenagers. Struggling to find themselves and having internal battles between who they are and who they want to be is very realistic.
    I think inviting them to partake in a assignment where these issues would be tackled head first would be a great way for them to relieve possible inner conflicts and issues with themselves.

  5. The idea of who were are in reality and who we want people to perceive us as is a very interesting and weighted topic. It would be interesting to explore with high school students because kids at that age are generally self-conscious and want to be perceived in a certain manner by their peers.

  6. i like the idea of spreading this to other parts of life and exploring how identity changes in different settings. Its sort of frightening when you think about how different you can present yourself when around different people or in different settings.

  7. This would be an ideal project for students in high school because they are all still developing their individual self. This will help them realize who they really are. I have seen this done before in my middle school and high school art classes, where students would create a box that is a total expression of self. It does not create any negative stress and allows the students to "dig deep" to discover who they are and what they want to be.

  8. I really like your idea because it looks into the lives of students only as far as they are willing to go. It is not too intrusive and would make it much easier to feel comfortable while presenting the projects to the class.

  9. i loved this idea because boxes contain something special or something that doesn't need to be exposed to the world. this would be great for high school students, the only thing is in high school kids are often very insecure and might put false information down for the sake of impressing others. other than that this is great! its great because it makes it more personal especially with touch.

  10. your artwork is really horribly crafted
    the concepts are un original
    the craft is that of an autistic kindergardener's
    and you make me hate being in the art ed department

    you and other's like you make us out to be a joke to the rest of the school.
    your unorigniality and inability to make actual, meaningful and good looking art makes us all out to be arts and crafts macaroni gluers.

    your art is bullshit.
    we'd appreciate it if you'd just shut your mouth.
    and stop making what you like to think is art.
